Pico Iyer on Travel

"I, like many people, tend to ask questions of the places I visit, and relish most the ones that ask the most searching questions back of me."

Pico Iyer on Travel
Pico Iyer looking out on a Japanese garden

And now for the opposite view from Agnes Callard.

I, like many people, tend to ask questions of the places I visit, and relish most the ones that ask the most searching questions back of me.
Why We Travel, by Pico Iyer | Adventure Travel Trade Association
30 August 2023, Editor’s Note: The following guest article by Pico Iyer was originally posted on Salon.com on March 18,…

Pico expresses things hard to express, but he comes much closer to how I experience travel – the love analogy notwithstanding. I can't say that I "fall in love" with places.

Agnes writes an essay (about some experiences of travel) worth pondering, Pico ponders actual places and his experience of them (in an essay). Both are essayists and philosophers of travel, of different type and temperament.

I invite you to compare and ponder your own experiences of travel.